1. All substitute bus operators shall be paid by the Assumption Parish School Board Central Office.  Regulations prohibit any operator (contract or parish) to pay any substitute operator for services rendered.


    1. Operators assigned to a contract bus route shall drive on a regular basis with the exception of illness, which must be verified.  An operator not driving his or her bus on a particular day, for persons other than illness or extreme emergencies, will not be compensated for that day.

    2. Non-certified operators will not be permitted to drive.

    3. When mechanical or other problems prevent the operation of a contract bus, the School Board office must be notified as early as possible so a School Board owned bus can be assigned.  If a bus is not available, other arrangements will be made.

    4. Buses that fail to pass inspection will not be permitted to operate.  A temporary bus will be assigned to the route and an appropriate fee will be assessed.


  1. The assessment of fees for use of School Board owned buses:


    1. Operational expense assessed beginning with the first day (based on each operator’s mileage and bus length.)

    2. Daily rate will be calculated as follows:  Each operator’s operational expense divided by 180 days.


Buses must be returned, clean and refueled, to the designated location.  Operators will be allowed to rent a School Board owned bus for fifteen (15) working days.  After the fifteenth (15th) day, the Supervisor of Transportation will evaluate the circumstance (breakdown) to determine the necessity to continue renting at daily operational expense.  After the sixtieth (60) day, the Supervisor of Transportation will evaluate the circumstances (breakdown) to determine the necessity to replace the contract bus with a School Board owned bus permanently.


Adopted:  September, 1983

Revised:  January, 2006

Revised:  August, 1995

Revised:  May 4, 2011

Revised:  March, 1996

Revised:  July 20, 2016



Ref:     Board minutes, 9-21-83, 8-16-95, 2-21-96, 10-97, 5-4-11, 7-20-16


Assumption Parish School Board